If you were at Brides the Show. If you loved our stand and the  Catherine Mead  images that informed it’s design then you need to watch our behind the scenes film. Ashleigh Aldred shot the film for John Harris Video Production .

Ashleigh not only shoots brilliant wedding films but has a passionate interest in fashion. A perfect blend for to capture the Miss Bush team in action.

If you weren’t in Battersea at the weekend then enjoy seeing how a shoot gets put together in the stunning (and rentable!) private gardens at Dunsborough Park. Although bear in mind this is a 12 hour shoot in 6 minutes.

The full love letter to the team is due soon – when my Show-over finally goes. Suffice to say all the fine women involved in this project have full Miss Bush endorsement & I would recommend you book them for your wedding. Fast!




The Miss Bush Boudicca Shoot from JHWF Media on Vimeo.

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