I’d like to get Jenna’s DNA replicated on the basis of her being an ideal customer.

I’d like to replicate the can-do philosophy of Jesus Peiro across all bridal suppliers.

Jenna looks like an ideal bride – petite, fabulous cheekbones, sparkling eyes and a well honed sense of style. Her choice of Jesus Peiro and one of their signature, crisp Mikado gowns makes my heart very glad indeed.

What makes Jenna so ideal, for me, and Jesus Peiro so fabulous, for all brides, is their dedication to making bridalwear fresh and exciting whilst maintaining the dignity and appropriateness of style for a church wedding dress. Jesus Peiro don’t throw designer hissy fits, their answer is generally ‘yes’ to any requests, they really do make their dresses in Barcelona and they are very happy to mix and match their styles and details creating, for my brides, truly unique dresses

Jenna’s dress is a hybrid design of two styles the dress is style 1011 and the majestic detachable train is from style 165. Both styles come with a belt but Jenna and I decided to eschew these options for a bespoke, cummerbund-style sash waist. The choice of platinum slipper satin was a perfect foil for Jenna’s peacock bridesmaids dresses. During a styling appointment I wrapped the slip layer of Jenny Packham’s platinum Eden round Jenna’s waist to create the effect and then I sourced the perfect match from Bennett’s Silks! Always good to wrap a £2.5 k dress into a belt! The belt was then made at Miss Bush by Elizabeth who also sourced tiny beaded buttons for a couture level of detail.

The effect is one of icy glamour and drama, topped with Eve one of my favourite Polly Edwards headpieces.

Just to add to Jenna’s all round Olympic standard fabulousness she has also directed many friends to me to buy frocks and gave me her photos on a memory stick – allowing my junior IT skills scope to add them easily to my libraries and Blog.

Many thanks to Jenna and Simon, the new Mr and Mrs Hewitt, for sharing some of their lovely photos – I am so delighted to be able to feature them.

David Pullum Photography [mailto:info@dpphotography.co.uk]

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