More time has elapsed than I would have liked from my last properly written blog post. I have multifarious good and bad reasons, or excuses, why this is so. Suffice to say, in my day dreams, I would love to loll gracefully in cashmere lounge-wear crafting wry observations on bridal style punctuated by witty asides on my glamorous, yet hectic, lifestyle.


I would be happy for you to picture me as the model below…



I will smell like this…



I shall be sipping this…



If you could see inside me mind it would look like this…



It is not lost on me that the last two pictures also segue well into the colour predictions for 2013 so I would like you to know I am on the ball too…




There you have it. I am a picture of self-assured style and I radiate health, which, for the purposes of blog writing, is sufficient for the moment. 2012 was, to paraphrase HRH, something of an annus horribilis for some very near and dear people. Whilst there was lots of patriotic, nationalist fervour on the world stage & simply gorgeous brides at Miss Bush I haven’t felt perky enough to write. Now, with a bulging inbox and the of  a zeal of WordPress convert, I aim to bring some of the most wonderful women on the planet, my brides, their photographers (although some are men – but fall into honourably women category) and suppliers, to the blog once more for the celebration of their collective genius.

With a slightly torturous allegory I will finish on a picture of the main man Oscar Diggs of Nebraska. (Pub quiz answer fact fans.)

A showman that accidentally sales into Oz is put in charge of a leaderless land and sustains his myth and mystery behind a facade of magnificent on-trend Emerald. He is the wizard.

To quote the rather marvellous Mary Portas

“Retail theatre when done well is surprising, challenging, uplifting, energising even mesmerising…
… A place I feel so happy to be
that it’s a given I’ll buy something”

So it is with luxury retail. Suspension of disbelief, smoke & mirrors and the support of amazing people sustain our service, our soul and keep the emeralds shining.

I would like to thank all our brides of 2012 – I am coming after your photos. To the brides of 2013 – fingers crossed for a sunnier year where only style reigns.


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